HOT TUB TIME MACHINE Director: Steve Pink Cast: John Cusack, Clark Duke, Craig Robinson, Rob Corddry, Crispin Glover, Lyndsy Fonseca, Lizzy Caplan, Collette Wolfe, Chevy Chase MPAA
Rating: Running Time: 1:40 Release Date: 3/26/10 |
Review by Mark Dujsik | March 25, 2010 At the offset, Hot
Tub Time Machine comes off as yet another tale of obnoxious men-children
stuck in their own world of self-created misery, passing it on to anyone who
gets in the way of their warped sense of self-worth. Yet, unlike some others where the characters fall upon a series of
misadventures after a wild night of partying (one from last year that takes
place in Vegas comes immediately to mind), this one is pretty funny. Part of that is
the result of setting some distance from the characters. Once the film's gimmick kicks in, it sits and plays with the concept for
a while. When Hot Tub Time Machine transitions back to the characters, there's
less and less reason to find them annoying. They've learned some things—nothing earth-shattering, of course—but
with the knowledge, there's a level of growth and development. Again, it's nothing considerable, but it's a little bit of a shock to try
to reconcile the first impressions with the people who are left at the end. They aren't the same, and the buffer of the gimmick helps to ease the
shift. The gimmick,
naturally, is a time machine in the form of a hot tub. There's something to be said for a movie whose title establishes so much
in four simple words assembled in such a way to give a distinct impression of
what the movie is about and how it will be about it. What that something specifically might be is a mystery, but it's
something nonetheless. The time
travelers are old friends, but they haven't spoken in a long time. Work, relationships, and life have gotten in the
way. Adam (John Cusack) has just had his girlfriend leave him. His nephew Jacob (Clark Duke) lives in the basement, playing a life
simulator on his computer while life passes him by. Nick (Craig
Robinson) used to be in a band but now is a pet specialist. His wife has cheated on him, but he's too in love with her to confront
her about it. That frustration might
be why he tosses the leftovers from a dog's business-end to the animal's owner
after the customer mocks his new career. Lou (Rob Corddry)
is an alcoholic. One night, he parks
his car in the garage and sings along to some Mötley Crüe while the car's
still running. He ends up in the
hospital, denying a suicide attempt, and the doctor recommends that Adam and
Nick keep an eye on him. Lou's anger
at his estranged friends might explain why he pulls his catheter out and
accidentally sprays the remnants over them all. The script by
Josh Heald, Sean Anders, and John Morris starts on shaky ground, with a seeming
reliance on gross-out comedy and attempted laughs from misanthropic jerks. Lou more than fulfills the requirements of the second part, and when he
violently vomits on a squirrel after a night of drinking, the first seems firmly
established as the norm. Then they all
get in a hot tub at a hotel in their old weekend-getaway stomping ground, now a
derelict town with boarded up windows, cats in the hotel lobby, and a one-armed
bellhop (Crispin Glover) who throws their luggage around and sticks out his hand
for a tip. The next morning, they
ski alongside people in brightly colored clothes, spot a sign for a live
performance from Poison in the lobby, and see Reagan addressing the nation on
television. Realizing they've awoken
in 1986 in their younger bodies, they sensibly want to get back. The old rules of
time travel apply, as Jacob and a mysterious repair man (Chevy Chase) relate to
the rest of them. Don't change
things, or it will affect the future. At
dawn, the opportunity to return to the present will be gone. This means they have to live out some of the worst moments in their
lives. Adam will have to break up
with the girl that got away, Nick will have to perform at a gig where everyone
booed at him, Lou will have to get beaten to a pulp by a ski patrolman and his
friends, and Jacob will learn that his mother (Collette Wolfe) had a few
reckless teenage years. Jacob, of
course, shouldn't be there, but he is, flickering away every so often and almost
disappearing from existence because of coitus interruptus. Nick finally decides to call out his wife on her cheating; she's nine in
'86. Adam realizes his lost love
might not have been so great after all and meets someone to whom he can relate
but can't talk to in fear of changing the future. Lou watches and waits for the accident-prone bellhop to lose his arm. Copyright © 2010 by Mark Dujsik. All rights reserved. |
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